Setup Mode is a way for organizations to rapidly modify Roles and Circles, which is especially useful when you're setting up GlassFrog and entering your organization's information for the first time. This is an alternative to the standard process of Governance Meetings or Asynchronous Proposals as a way to modify the structure of the organization.
While in Setup Mode, no notifications will be sent for any changes made to the organization (including modifications to circles and roles, adding members, and assigning members to roles) until Setup Mode is turned off.
Governance Meetings and Asynchronous Proposals are not available while in Setup Mode.
While in Setup Mode, Admins can make changes to the whole organization. Circle Leads and Secretaries can make changes to their circles and sub-circles. Only Admins can turn Setup Mode on and off.
Related Articles:
How do I turn Setup Mode on or off?
How do I use Setup Mode? (video)