How to add an action in GlassFrog

How do I add a new action?

Actions can be taken and requested during Tactical meetings, but you can also add and track your owns on the Actions page, or add them directly to an existing project.

  • Actions Page

1) On the Actions page, click on "Add Action".

2) Enter a description of the action, you can associate the action with a project if desired then select the circle and role that you will be performing the action under. Click "Add" to save the action.


If you cannot work on an action until later or until after some other event has occurred, click the checkbox next to "I can't do this yet, add a trigger". Then add the date or triggering event as needed.

  • Associate Actions to a Project

You may also associate actions to a project from the Projects page. Click on the "Add an action" link and add the actions to break down the project into steps.

Related articles: 

     - How do I process my actions?