How do I exclude role fillers from meetings? (v4.1)

How do I exclude role fillers from meetings? (v4.1)

If your organization is running v4.1 (instead of v5), you can choose to exclude certain role-fillers from the meetings of your circle.

This is made possible by the "de minimis" provision in the Holacracy constitution 4.1 (art. 2.3.3).

How to do exclude a role-filler from meetings:
  • First, you'll need to be either the Lead Link or Secretary of the circle, or an Admin.
  • Then, in the Roles tab of the circle, click on the person icon that's used to assign the role:
  • Fill the "assigned to" field and check the "Exclude" checkbox, as shown below:
  • A role that has been excluded from meetings will show up that way in the roles list and will not appear as a core role member in the circle's Members tab: